Weighted Automata: Theory and Applications
May 29 – June 2, 2012, Dresden, Germany
The workshop covers all aspects of weighted automata, ranging from the theory of weighted automata and quantitative logics to applications for real-time systems and natural language processing. The aim is to present tutorials and survey lectures by outstanding scientists in this area. Moreover, we encourage everybody to participate in this workshop and present their own technical contribution in this area.
Tutorials and Survey Lectures
We are happy to announce the following tutorials and survey lectures:
- Javier Esparza and Michael Luttenberger (Munich, Germany)
- Orna Kupferman (Jerusalem, Israel)
- Anoop Sarkar (Burnaby, Canada)
Survey Lectures
- Frank Drewes (Umeå, Sweden)
- Zoltán Ésik (Szeged, Hungary)
- Paul Gastin (Cachan, France)
- Laura Kallmeyer (Düsseldorf, Germany)
- Kevin Knight (Marina del Rey, USA)
- Kim Larsen (Aalborg, Denmark)
- Karin Quaas (Leipzig, Germany)
… and a special session honoring Werner Kuich on the occasion of his 70th birthday.
Call for Participation
Interested participants are most welcome. If you wish to present a technical contribution, please send an abstract (preferably of at most one page) until March 16, 2012 to Manfred Droste and Heiko Vogler. Authors will be informed about acceptance of their submission before March 31, 2012.
Call for Papers
There will be a special issue of Theoretical Computer Science TCS-A devoted to the topic of this workshop. We invite submissions to this issue which should contain original research on weighted automata or tightly related areas. Participation in the above workshop is encouraged, but is not a prerequisite for a submission.
All submissions will be refereed according to the usual high journal standards.
Authors are asked to submit their paper preferably in pdf (or postscript) to each of the editors of the special issue: Manfred Droste and Heiko Vogler. The deadline for submission is July 30, 2012. We intend to ensure a quick refereeing process.
Important Dates
- submission of abstracts: March 16, 2012
- notification of acceptance: March 31, 2012
- registration: April 27, 2012
- workshop: May 29 – June 2, 2012
- submission of papers: July 30, 2012
Deadline for registration is April 27, 2012. There is no registration fee. In order to register, please send your name, affiliation, e-mail, intended length of participation to Heiko.Vogler@tu-dresden.de and state if you want to participate in the conference dinner (not for free) or not.
We will place your name and affiliation on the list of participants, if you do not revoke explicitly. Also, notice our data protection declaration.
Scientific Programme
Here is the list of contributions which are presented at the workshop. You can find the provisional time table of the scientific programme here. Here you can find the proceedings.
Informal Get Together and Conference Dinner
- Informal get together: Monday, May 28, 2012, 7 p.m., in the restaurant of the university guest house “Am Weberplatz” (map)
- Conference dinner: Thursday, May 31, 2012, 8 p.m., in the restaurant “Italienisches Dörfchen”, Theaterplatz 3, Dresden (map)
Conference Location
Technische Universität Dresden, Fakultät Informatik, Nöthnitzer Straße 46, Room E023
Größere Kartenansicht
Cafeteria, Mensa
There is a small cafeteria (ASCII) in the foyer of the Fakultät Informatik. A large cafeteria and a mensa (Alte Mensa) are located here.
Except for the invited speakers, the participants are asked to book a room themselves.
We have pre-reserved a limited number of rooms in the university guest house “Am Weberplatz” (map) for the participants of WATA 2012; first comes, first serve. If you book there, then please refer to WATA 2012.
Alternatively, you can book a room in Pension Käubler, which is located closer to the conference location.
Travel Information
From the Guest House to the Conference Location
A pedestrian route from the guest house “Am Weberplatz” to the conference location can be found here. Of course, you can modify this suggestions and take side ways. This route will need approximately 30 minutes.
If you like to use the local public transport, you can
- walk from guest house “Am Weberplatz” to “Zellescher Weg” (2 minutes),
- take the tram 11 at “Zellescher Weg”, direction “Zschertnitz”,
- change to the bus 85 at “Räcknitzhöhe” (same direction), and
- leave the bus at “Helmholtzstraße”.
This tram-bus tour will need approximately 15 minutes.
List of Participants
You can find a list of participants here.
There are limited resources to partially compensate the travel expenses of participating Ph.D. students and scientists from Middle and East Europe. Please, contact Heiko Vogler for further information not later than March 20, 2012 such that we can make a fair decision.
Further Information
- Technische Universität Dresden, Faculty of Computer Science
- City of Dresden
- Semperoper Dresden
- Theatres in Dresden: Staatsschauspiel, Staatsoperette
- Manfred Droste
Leipzig University
Institute of Computer Science
D-04009 Leipzig, Germany
Tel.: +49-341-9732200
Fax: +49-341-9732209
E-Mail: droste@informatik.uni-leipzig.de - Heiko Vogler
Technische Universität Dresden
Faculty of Computer Science
Institute of Theoretical Computer Science
D-01062 Dresden, Germany
Tel.: +49-351-463-38232
Fax: +49-351-463-37959
E-Mail: Heiko.Vogler@tu-dresden.de
If you have requests concerning WATA 2012 please send an e-mail to Heiko Vogler.
This workshop is supported by: